Intercessions for August 6, 2011

This is an interesting week. Isaiah doesn’t want to get killed, Jesus saves a drowning man, and Jews and Greeks are all the same. My biggest take-away from this week is that I’m glad that I’m comfortable with silence. It’s a pretty self-centered practice, in a way, to hide away from the world for some time to empty my mind and hear God. But yet it impacts my relationships to the community, so there has to be some place for talking about me in the midst of talking about us. It seems that “personal relationship with Jesus” and “communal faith” are really 2 ends of a spectrum, and neither is centered. But I digress….

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Intercessions for July 30, 2011

This is the first time I’ve posted my intercessions for worship. It occurred to me that I ought to share them, and capture my thoughts and inspirations.

This week, the lectionary carries a strong message of God’s abundance in the wilderness. I’m just as bad as anyone else for forgetting, and seeing everything through the eyes of scarcity. We keep falling into the stinking thinking that we don’t have enough – that we need more and more. How can we survive this never-ending stress that can’t ever be satisfied? And if we can’t stop thinking about what we don’t have, how can we remember what we do have? I lose before I ever start, forgetting that I never needed to run in the race at all!

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