Intercessions for Week of March 25, 2012

Posting intercessions that I wrote a few weeks ago. I’ve fallen so far behind in posting. It makes me sad, but lately I just can’t seem to catch up. Hopefully soon. But happily, I’m learning so much in these weeks!

Jeremiah 31:31-34

God of peace, You write a new covenant and new promise into our very hearts that will never be taken away. Bless us, Your Church, to boldly proclaim that even when we don’t see it or hear it, that You continue to make all things new, for all people.

Hebrews 5:5-10

Lord of new life, You were obedient in all things, through suffering, through trials, and through joy. Strengthen our faith, and teach us obedience, that through us, in our communities, you will bring into being your vision of equality and justice, for the sake of the world that you love.

John 12:20-33

Spirit of Wisdom, grant humility and empathy to our leaders, and all who serve in government, that their hearts might be filled with compassion, and that they might thirst for justice, as they make and uphold laws, as they manage resources, and as they seek our common good.


God of healing and peace, you know the troubles of our souls, the sadness of our hearts. We pray for those waiting for answers to prayers, for those waiting for words of reconciliation, and for those sick in body or in spirit, and those who heal, especially Jim and Christina, Olga, Sydney, Jim, and Joseph, for Bonnie, Marilyn, Lillian, Al, and Adam,  for Larry, Doris, Max, and Elmer, and for Carrie, Marika, Cheryl, and Seth. Grant to all of them your comfort and peace.

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