Recent Intercessions

Blogging my latest intercessions, while I’m thinking of them.

Intercessions for October 28, 2012

Romans 3:19-28

God of Grace, in our fear we worry whether what we do or give is enough for you, and we see defeat. As Your Church, reform our fear into trust, that You claim us and forgive us, and shape our words and actions to joyfully offer that same promise of forgiveness to all people. Lord, in your mercy……

Jeremiah 31:31-34

Lord of Reconciliation, our disagreements separate us and our pride binds us. Yet You remain Lover and Sanctifier of us all. Reform us together into one community of forgiveness. Grant to leaders and politicians in all places, a hunger for justice and reconciliation in their words and actions, that might lead us all to wholeness. Lord, in your mercy……

John 8:31-36

Spirit of Truth, our noisy world and our busy lives distract us from hearing or seeing You. Reform our faith. Reform our senses, to hear You speak to us through your word and through other people around us, and that we might see a new thing that You are doing in this community. Lord, in your mercy……

Intercessions for November 11, 2012

1 Kings 17:8-16

When you have nothing left but to die. When you have nothing else but to fall. When you are without hope in the sinking pit.

God of Promises, stay with us in our times of hopelessness, when we have nothing left but to fall into the bottomless depth of our despair. Give us faith to hear your promise that our jar of meal will not be emptied, that our jug of oil will not fail, and raise us yet again from death, that we might live. Hear us, O God….

Hebrews 9:24-28

Lord of Resurrection, give us hope to believe you, that the kingdom of God has already come among us, and that we might live confidently and generously, into that hopeful vision of justice and abundance for all people, even as you work wonders in the midst of us. Hear us, O God….

Mark 12:38-44

Spirit of Compassion, bless us here as Your Church, that through our words and actions, you might shower the world with your steadfast love and mercy. You promised that you hear the cries of the poor. Help us to hear the needs of those around us, in our communities, and even among us here in our own congregation. Hear us, O God….

Intercessions for December 9, 2012

Luke 3:1-6

God of Reconciliation, bless us as Your Church, to offer voices of forgiveness to each other, and to the world. Through us, bring reconciliation and welcome to heal broken relationships, and create new friendships, to bring new life to our communities.

Philippians 1:3-11

Lord of Compassion, bless our leaders with knowledge and full insight, to establish justice and equity for all people. Bless our military and peace workers throughout the world with safety and with hope, that they might live in service for the common good of all people.

Luke 3:1-6

Spirit of Renewal, grant us hope and patience through this week. Give us new eyes to see past the mountains and hills and crooked paths that would seem to make our paths difficult, to see that in You, all things are possible, and that you are always, always leading us onward.

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